Following a baseball game that nearly became a religious war, two Jewish boys become friends. Dan...
“Extraordinary . . . No one but Chaim Potok could have written this strangely sweet, compel...
“A novel of finely articulated tragic power. . . . Little short of a work of genius.”...
“[Chaim] Potok writes powerfully about the suffering of innocent people caught in the cross...
"REMARKABLE . . . A WONDERFUL STORY."--The Boston GlobeThe father is a high-ranking Com...
“Powerful . . . It successfully recreates a time and place and the journey of a soul.&rdquo...
From the celebrated author of The Chosen and My Name Is Asher Lev, a trilogy of related novellas ...
In a passionate, energetic narrative, The Promise brilliantly dramatizes what it is to ...
For Davita Chandal, growing up in New York in the 1930s and '40s is an experience of indescribabl...
A coming-of-age classic about two Jewish boys growing up in Brooklyn in the 1940s, this ';profoun...
While Chaim Potok is most famous for his novels, particularly his first book The Chosen (1967)whi...
'Ha választanod kellene az esztétikai vakság és a morális vakság között, te melyiket választan...