A powerful, moving coming-of-age novel that blurs the line between Young Adult and Women's fictio...
Brooklyn Roses, the third and final installment of The El Trilogy, follows the travails and trium...
Set in 1993, Paul and Carol Go to Guatemala is part travelogue, part social commentary and part r...
That would never happen to me...So many of us go through life with the belief that drug addiction...
A Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic Romance, Cry of Silence is an odyssey of survival and hope as Jenn and...
A historic novel set in 1936 Brooklyn. It was an era when the Navy Yard sang, when Coney Island w...
"e;Everybody thinks they're going to 'make it.' But the truth of the matter is that very few ...
A tale of rebirth, forgiveness, hope and redemption. Revisit the Paradiso clan in this gripping s...
A historic novel set in 1936 Brooklyn. It was an era when the Navy Yard sang, when Coney Island w...
Because sometimes you have to travel 5,000 miles to find what matters.Set in 1993, Paul and Carol...
Brooklyn Roses, the third and final installment of The El Trilogy, follows the travails and trium...