En parfaite cohérence avec le programme de DCEM 2-DCEM 4 et les Épreuves Classantes Nationales...
En parfaite cohérence avec le programme de DFASM et les ECNi, cet ouvrage rassemble les connaissa...
This book focuses on the interrelationship between international student connectedness and identi...
Spiritual Discovery: A Method for Discernment in Small Groups and Congregations spa...
What will the future look like? To judge from many speculative fiction films and books, from Blad...
Focussing on stochastic models for the spread of infectious diseases in a human population, this ...
Reflecting on Practice for STEM Educators is a guidebook to lead a professional learning program ...
Gran parte del diálogo teológico de las últimas décadas se ha centrado en lo que el cristianismo ...
Focussing on stochastic models for the spread of infectious diseases in a human population, th...
Diary of Dreams was written during a long depression; the ideas had been scripted from the provok...