This work is a complete mathematical guide to lottery games, covering all of the problems related...
Over the past two decades, gamblers have begun taking mathematics into account more seriously tha...
Continuing his series of books on the mathematics of gambling, the author shows how a simple-rule...
La vida cotidiana está llena de situaciones que exigen tomar decisiones. Y en estos casos compara...
Continuando con su serie de libros en las matemáticas de juegos de azar, el autor muestra como un...
The problem-solving assumes theoretical and analytical skills, as well as algorithmic skills, cou...
Man's daily life is full of decisional situations. Whether we have math skills or not, we frequen...
This is not a mathematics book, but a book about mathematics, which addresses both student and te...
Dr. C¿t¿lin B¿rboianu, a recognized authority in gaming mathematics, philosopher of science, and ...
This eighth book of the author on gambling math presents in accessible terms the cold mathematics...
Un inventar în imagini al cladirilor vechi din Craiova - peste 1100 imagini într-un album color n...