A story of two rescue dogs and their adventures. Pee Wee, a dachshund corgi mix, and Buddy, a thr...
Settling into a new home, Pee Wee and Buddy are introduced to and welcome a new friend.
The adventures of Pee Wee and Buddy continue! Along with their friend, Gus, the senior dogs are i...
Pee Wee, Buddy, and their new friend Gus attend Dog Days at the Zoo and encounter many new animal...
The Life and Canine Times of Pee Wee and Buddy: The Move is the second book in a series about two...
I was born with a genetic disease called cystic fibrosis (CF). After the age ten, the disease sta...
Una historia de dos perros rescatados y sus aventuras. Pee Wee, una mezcla de perro salchicha y c...
The Match and The Spark offers experience and insight throu...
A story of two rescue dogs and their adventures. Pee Wee, a dachshund corgi mix, and Buddy, a thr...
I was born with a genetic disease called cystic fibrosis (CF). After the age ten, the disease sta...
The Match and The Spark offers experience and insight through the lens of a parent, fighting time...
A story of two rescue dogs and their adventures. Pee Wee, a dachshund corgi mix, and Buddy, a thr...