Salma, eine 16-jährige Waise aus Santa Clara, hat ihre Eltern nie kennengelernt. In Santa Clara k...
Mitten in der Welt stehen und darin aus der Gnade jenes Gottes leben, der in all der Nähe doch...
The lighthouse on the island of Santa Clara in Donostia San Sebastián stood empty for many y...
La Expedicion a Argel es un diario de la invasion espanola a Argel de 1775. Su autor, Carlos Guti...
This systematic and unprecedented survey synthesizes all the available data on the Mexico’s va...
Vida de Carlos III. Carlos Gutierrez de los RiosFragmento de la obraCaptulo IDesde su nacimiento ...
Suicide and Contemporary Science Fiction examines the fascination with suicidal crises evident in...
With the anthology 'Music & Ritual: Bridging Material and Living Cultures' (2013), Ekho Verlag la...
This co-edited collection explores contemporary research studies, performative writing, poe...
The thirteen chapters in this collection analyze David Fincher's development as a filmmaker, from...
This book conclusively demonstrates that by respecting tran...
Pantallas, ecosistema de medios, TV, redes sociales, convergencia, transmedia, meta-medio, cultur...