Little Miss Sunshine meets About a Boy in this piercingly bittersweet novel which shows how the m...
Del mismo modo en que los opuestos se atraen, pueden provocar también fricción, y nadie siente es...
Tal como os opostos se atraem, também podem causar fricção.E ninguém sente mais fricção do que Wi...
Told with the emotional impact of Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, thi...
“What a wonderful, emotional ride! It’s like the Ordinary People of the 21st century....
'Wolfson's writing is superb.' --The Washington Post A novel about mothers and daughters, about t...
Seeing the world through ROSIE COLORED GLASSES...Opposites attract, until the magic gives way to ...
Rosie Collins es deslumbrante, magnética. Rex Thorpe es serio y nada sentimental. Sin embargo, cu...