Boleslaw Prus is often compared to Chekhov, and Prus’s masterpiece might be described as an...
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author's brain, their soul and he...
Everything we know must end.In the fundamentals of our lives its usually our own deaths which b...
Aleksander Glowacki who wrote under the nom de plume Boleslaw Prus was born on 20th August 1847 a...
There is something about the number 3. The Ancient Greeks believed 3 was the perfect number, an...
Stanislaw Wokulski hat es geschafft. Vermeintlich. Der aus einer verarmten Adelsfamilie stammende...
In 'The Pharaoh and the Priest,' Boleslaw Prus delivers a profound exploration of ancient Egyptia...
Bo eslaw Prus is often compared to Chekhov, and Prus s masterpiece might be described as a...
En édition bilingue audio POLONAIS-FRANÇAIS + lecture audio intégrée: découvrez en français et en...
Huikea romaani 1800-luvun Puolasta.Maanviljelijä Slimakin perhe elää Puolan köyhällä maaseudulla....