Paleontologist Peter Dodson introduces young readers to Stegosaurus, a plated dinosaur. Full-colo...
Written as a series of reflections, this book is a conversation-shifting exploration of how the c...
What kind of dinosaur was Triceratops? What did it eat? How did it live? Readers will find the an...
Velociraptor was a swift dinosaur that ate whatever it could catch. Readers will learn about Velo...
Tyrannosaurus Rex is one of the most famous dinosaurs. Everyone has heard of this meat-eating &qu...
The Last Missionary is a bicycle adventure story set in remote districts in eastern Democratic Re...
The Last Missionary is a bicycle adventure story set in remote districts in eastern Democratic Re...
Written as a series of reflections, this book is a conversation-shifting exploration of how the c...
Written as a series of reflections, this book is a conversation-shifting exploration of how the c...
David Burke ist ein kleiner Drogendealer, der zwar Köche und Hausfrauen, aber keine Kinder belief...
With over 100 new dinosaurs species discovered since 2012, Discovering Dinosaurs will make all ea...