In this, his fifth book, Bob returns to historical fiction with the story of a young Keechie Indi...
When the paleontologist who serves as the curator of the Whiteside Museum of Natural History make...
In the year 1919 Bob Ray Gilbert and Emil Marcy, farmers, neighbors, and friends, who live along ...
Jim Bob Justice is a fourth generation Texan who has spent most of his life along the Brazos Rive...
A great treasure of the French people was brought to New Orleans from France in 1792 by the La Po...
When Gene Stallings came to Texas A & M in December of 1964, there were a lot of players that wer...
In this humorous collection of stories about incidents that occurred in and around gas stations, ...
This seventh book The Bowie Secret is a murder mystery couched as a work of historical fiction. T...
There is no about the book information as of this time
A great treasure of the French people was brought to New Orleans from France in 1792 by the La Po...
Jim Bob Justice is a fourth generation Texan who has spent most of his life along the Brazos Rive...
This seventh book 'The Bowie Secret' is a murder mystery couched as a work of historical fiction....