From the perspective of D-brane physics, we consider the role of the real intrinsic Riemannian ge...
From the perspective of statistical mechanics, the present research offers intrinsic Riemannian g...
From the perspective of moduli stabilization and physics of D-branes, we consider the role of the...
The present research offers thermodynamic geometric properties of black holes in string theory an...
From the perspective of black hole physics, the present research examines the thermodynamic geome...
From the perspective of higher dimensional black holes in general relativity, we consider the rol...
From the perspective of thermodynamic geometry, we study the hypersurface properties by consideri...
The present research explores the role of generalized uncertainty inequalities in the theory of q...
In this Primer, we offer black hole thermodynamics and physics of extremal and non-extremal black...
From the perspective of black hole thermodynamics, this exposition provides the physical and math...
Given a Sen entropy function, the present research explores geometric and algebraic properties of...
La géométrie thermodynamique de l'espace d'états offre la caractérisation de l'instabilité d'une ...