Rawalpindi in the first few decades of the twentieth century is a prosperous, bustling town, witn...
In a city in undivided Punjab, Nathu, a tanner, is bribed to kill a pig. When the animal s carcas...
In a bustling town in Punjab before the Partition, a sickly but restless child longs to play with...
The braid of young Basanti s life thickens with time. Feisty and fearless, she plays hide and see...
Magnificent in scope and intensely moving, Mansion spans the long years between the fall of the K...
A delectable offering of the best stories written by master storytellers, including Ruskin Bond, ...
'Tamas, Bhisham Sahni's 1973 novel, is a product of the Partition's devastation. It drew immediat...
Magnificent in scope and intensely moving, Mansion spans the long years between the fall of the K...
'An icon in Hindi literature'-The Hindu
Rawalpindi in the first few decades of the twentieth century is a prosperous, bustling town, witn...
A new translation of stories by one of the best modern Hindi writers In this collection of sevent...