Groundbreaking in both its content and its presentation, Art Since 1900 has been hailed as a land...
The four large-format pictures, which Gerhard Richter first called 'abstract pictures,' but later...
The first full-scale monographic study in English of one of the most important artists of the ...
Catalog of an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, March 4-July 5, 2020; and a...
A comprehensive volume devoted to the major Gabriel Orozco exhibition held in Mexico City.The fir...
The first collection of essays on Gerhard Richter, who has been called 'the greatest modern paint...
The first substantial monograph on an artist whose sculptures capt...
Offers a generational perspective on the 20th century's most influential experiment in artistic e...
By Rainer Rochlitz. Text by Benjamin Buchloh, Jean-Francois Chevrier, Armin Zweite.
Obra que propone una relectura de las neovanguardias en el doble ámbito de las prácticas artístic...
Five of the most influential and provocative art historians of our time have come together to pro...
Five of the most influential and provocative art historians of our time have come together to pro...