A collection of flash fiction (Tanzer), bookend short stories (Williams), a novella (Housley), an...
Ultimately, Orphans is intended to be a contemporary story about manhood and what it means in tod...
With Orphans, Ben Tanzer continues his ongoing literary survey of the twenty-first-century male p...
Gabriel and Hannah's daughter Christa is missing. Has she run away with her older boyfriend or ha...
Siskel and Ebert meet Joan Didion in Auteur, a unique series that combines in-depth film criticis...
A collection of flash fiction (Tanzer), bookend short stories (Williams), a novella (Housley), an...
Gabriel and Hannah's daughter Christa is missing. Has she run away with her older boyfriend or ha...
With Orphans, Ben Tanzer continues his ongoing literary survey of the 21st Century male psyche, y...
Previously published as The New York stories.