This extraordinary book presents a refreshing and innovative overview of the changes to the globa...
This extraordinary book presents a refreshing and innovative overview of the changes to the globa...
Over the last 25 years, evolutionary game theory has grown with theoretical contributions from th...
This extraordinary book presents a refreshing and innovative overview of the changes to the globa...
Concerned that scholars in various disciplines were talking past each other and that policy de...
Over the last 25 years, evolutionary game theory has grown with theoretical contributions from th...
This collection explores policing and race in relationship to political challenges, e...
A celebration of thirty-five years of Alex Trebek's show, featuring the Jeopardy! All-Star Ga...
Explores the unprecedented influence of executive power over the federal regulatory process durin...
A collection of twenty-three studies that explore the latest developments in the analysis of inco...
My father, Jack Friedman, CPA (even if he made the diploma himself), and Purple Heart recipient (...