Wenn es denn möglich ist, diesen Gedichten von Suleman Taufiq einen gemeinsames Thema zuzuschreib...
Siegel des Anblicks ist der zweite Gedichtband des Autors und versammelt vor allem Gedichte der l...
Der 60-jährige Junggeselle Issa führt ein ruhiges, einsames Leben als einfacher Fischer im Hafen ...
Located at the intersection of sociolinguistics and Hip Hop Studies, this cutting-edge book moves...
Located at the intersection of sociolinguistics and Hip Hop Studies, this cutting-edge book moves...
Located at the intersection of sociolinguistics and Hip Hop Studies, this cutting-edge book moves...
Provoking Curriculum Studies pushes forward a strong reading of the theoretical and methodologica...
Provoking Curriculum Studies pushes forward a strong reading of the theoretical and methodologica...
Hundreds of thousands of African Canadian children demand and deserve quality education that prom...
This book discusses dynamic modeling, simulation, and control strategies for Photovoltaic (PV) st...
This issue of Cairo Papers takes up the various dimensions of migration and refugees in the Euro-...
The first wave of Black immigrants arrived in North America during the 1960s and 1970s, coming or...