A hip, plain-spoken, illustrated guide to self-promotion for people who hate the very idea, disti...
Poet and cartoonist Austin Kleon has discovered a new way to read between the lines. Armed with a...
In the ten years since publishing the groundbreaking New York Times bestseller Steal Like an Arti...
Aprende a promocionar tu trabajo es un libro para todas aquellas personas que rehuyen el concepto...
Die 10 ultimativen Regeln, um entdeckt zu werdenWie werde ich entdeckt? Austin Kle...
Immer wieder aufs Neue kreativ zu sein, ist ganz schön schwer. Wie macht man weiter, wenn man blo...
A manifesto for the digital age, 'Steal Like an Artist' is a guide whose positive message, graphi...
For use in schools and libraries only. A guide to self-promotion explains how to become more know...