Ellie is devastated by the murder of her daughter Jessica, and recruits the help of Dr. Hugh Stai...
Monica has a dark past that she hopes will stay hidden.When she meets Fred, it seems as if life...
'The angel sat studying them all, then he began, "e;Each one of you here will be inspected on...
Tu and Hine-Moana are in love, and despite Old Grandmother Hinauri's warnings they marry and star...
In 1830 the Dunn family, two farm workers and a governess Allie emigrate to Western Australia, bu...
'He stood as usual waiting a smile touching his lips. And then from behind his back he produced o...
Black Eagle, joins Conquering Bear and his wife, Running Water, a blind white woman, leaving the ...
'...she cursed your farm and the church saying to all those who lived or went there they would su...
Lizzie and Fred meet in the local pub and have passionate encounters in the hedgerows every chanc...
This is a children's book for ages 5 and upwards.Woody has an amazing journey with dangers and ad...
This heart wrenching story is written around a flippant remark made by a woman whilst in hospital...
In 1962, Walker Percy (1916--1990) made a dramatic entrance onto the American literary scene when...