This bundle presents the entire Quest Biography series of thirty-five volumes in a special collec...
Presenting ten titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada's h...
Ein toter Agent in New York. Schiffe, die vor Island spurlos verschwinden. Ein Feind, der unsi...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series presents a variety of influential Canadian li...
Im Süden Frankreichs wird ein kleiner Junge zur Schau gestellt, denn er ist verwachsen und häs...
Der australische Dschungel. Ein uralter Tempel. Ein heiliger Gegenstand, der unbegrenzte Macht...
From the Cuban Missile Crisis to the Cold War to spy scandals, this book recreates the tension...
A concise and systematic exploration of 150 distinct items of ethnic dress, their his...
Modo, who first made his appearance in The Hunchback Assignments, is a young, disfigured spy trai...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series entertainingly presents a variety of influent...
Prince Conn will never be king. And that's just fine with him. He's ninth in line for the pirate ...
Prince Conn will never be king. And that's just fine with him. He's ninth in line for the pirate ...