Explores the technological, legal and ethical issues connected to combat robotics, examining both...
Military robots and other, potentially autonomous robotic systems such as unmanned combat air veh...
The privatization of defence assets and the outsourcing of military services from the armed force...
The privatization of defence assets and the outsourcing of military services from the armed force...
Krishnan describes military applications of neuroscience research and emerging neurotechnology wi...
Krishnan describes military applications of neuroscience research and emerging neurotechnology wi...
Military robots and other, potentially autonomous robotic systems such as unmanned combat air veh...
Military robots and other, potentially autonomous robotic systems such as unmanned combat air veh...
This book outlines the concept of Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) and demonstrates its relevance f...
This book outlines the concept of Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) and demonstrates its relevance f...
Krishnan describes military applications of neuroscience research and emerging neurotechnology wi...