'By the time Haruhiro comes to, he finds himself in a gamelike world filled with terrifying monst...
As the battle against the orc Jumbo and his group Forgan descends into utter chaos, Haruhiro and ...
While attempting to return to Alterna, Haruhiro and the party push through mountainous enemy terr...
While Haruhiro and the others were in Parano, a major incident was happening in Grimgar...In a fa...
With great sacrifice, the Arabakia Kingdom Expeditionary Force succeeded in retaking Alterna, but...
Leaving behind Yume, who has parted ways with the rest of them, Haruhiro and the rest travel on a...
Having left the party to continue her training with Momohina, Yume overcomes a desperate crisis t...
Why are we doing this...?When Haruhiro came to, he was in the darkness. Not knowing why was he he...
There is a certain volunteer soldier in the mountains, deeply wounded and about to meet his end.O...
"e;Honestly, none of this makes sense..."e;When they come to, Haruhiro and the others fin...
"e;I'll do what I have to. I'll do it. Now."e;Gritting his teeth, and bracing his legs, H...
"e;This isn't Grimgar. We have to get out of here."e;The party have been split up in Para...