As a world destination for its history, culture and food, Barcelona occupies a special plac...
Research into minimum income standards and reference budgets around the world is compared in this...
Research into minimum income standards and reference budgets around the world is compared in this...
Do you ride the train? You don't know exactly where it's going until it reaches the destination.....
Amalia is an award-winning journalist, disappointed by doctors. She's looking for her last headli...
This collection presents the first substantial encounter between aging studies and ecocriticis...
Widely associated with avant-garde gastronomy and lavish food markets, Barcelona has become a top...
As a world destination for its history, culture and food, Barcelona occupies a special place for ...
Es el gran reto de nuestra vida como padres: Tratar de que nuestros hijos sean felices. No existe...
¿Le preocupa lo que le pueda suceder en el futuro? ¿El desvelo constante por su familia no le dej...
Aquest és un llibre per conèixer aspectes de la nostra història, personatges que han estat claus ...