Contributions by Hosam Aboul-Ela, Susan V. Donaldson, Richard Godden, Michael Gorra, Lisa Hinrich...
Considering that he worked a stint as a screenwriter, it will come as little surprise that Faulkn...
A collection exploring the extensive connections between the Nobel Laureate's work and cinema
Essays that reassess Faulkner’s life and career a half century after his death
Contributions by Ted Atkinson, Michael P. Bibler, Deborah Clarke, David A. Davis, David M. Earle,...
The recent spatial turn in social theory and cultural studies opens up exciting new possibilities...
Essays that study mobility, place, and spatial imagination in the Nobel laureate’s work
Recipient of the 2018 Special Achievement Award from the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letter...
An A-to-Z compendium of people, places, and events in Mississippi from prehistoric times to today
A turn-of-the-century map of where Faulkner studies have traveled and where they are headed
Essays in centennial celebration of William Faulkner and his achievement
Essays that explore current scholarship on the Nobel Laureate's work