Focuses on various kinds biodevices, mainly implantable or quirurgical, for diagnosis or treatmen...
This book surveys advances in the development of biomedical devices including computer-aided desi...
This handbook focuses on the entire development process of biomedical microsystems that promote s...
This book focuses on the challenges and potentials of open source and collaborative design approa...
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Herausforderungen und Möglichkeitenvon Open-Source- und kol...
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Herausforderungen und Moglichkeitenvon Open-Source- und kollab...
This handbook focuses on the entire development process of biomedical microsystems that promote s...
The last decades have seen remarkable advances in computer-aided design, engineering and manufact...
The last decades have seen remarkable advances in computer-aided design, engineering and manufact...
This handbook focuses on the entire development process of biomedical microsystems that promote s...
This book focuses on the challenges and potentials of open source and collaborative design app...
This book focuses on the challenges and potentials of open source and collaborative design app...