The Son follows one night in the life of a hero with no name, a writer whose life is on the ve...
In a small town on the Adriatic coast, a local detective is content to sacrifice truth for the...
Andrej Nikolaidis was born in 1974 to a mixed Montenegrin-Greek family and raised in Sarajevo, Bo...
New Year's Eve. The last day of the last year of human existence. A high-ranking minister criss-c...
A cynical local reporter discovers that the grandmother who brought him up is actually not his bl...
In a small town on the Adriatic coast, a local detective is content to sacrifice truth for the sa...
The Son follows one night in the life of a hero with no name, a writer whose life is on the verge...
Nikolaidis treibt auf die Spitze, was Camus und Sartre begonnen haben: Sein Protagonist Konstanti...
In seiner beschaulichen Kleinstadt hat sich ein Privatschnüffler damit arrangiert seinen Klienten...
A compelling trilogy of short thrillers which centre around the ancient Mediterranean port of Ulc...
With undisguised glee, a nameless narrator unravels twisted tales of moral turmoil, all of which ...