'Wilderness First Aid, Sixth Edition provides information on how to handle common injuries and il...
El Programa de Formacion Profesional del Paramedico, de Nancy Caroline, segunda edicion, es la ev...
ALS Skills Review provides detailed step-by-step instruction for every psychomotor skill presente...
Basado en las Guías para la Reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) y Atención cardiaca de emergencia (A...
Airway management and ventilation are the highest priorities in patient management. While this st...
Preparing for class is easy with the resources on the Instructor's ToolKit, including: Adaptable ...
Navigate Advantage Access for Critical Care Transport, Third Edition Advantage Package includes: ...
This specially priced bundle features the BSA Wilderness First Aid Awareness course packaged with...
Paramedic: Pathophysiology Covers The Relevant Issues Of Pathophysiology As They Relate To The Fi...
The Combat Medic of today is the most technically advanced ever produced by the United States Arm...