Authors: Want to know how to assemble the perfect self-publishing team for you, which services ar...
You've self-published a book and you'd like to see it in your local library or bookstore or the r...
Copyright law, policy, and practice underwrites the publication and sale of books. The income tha...
Do you think libraries don't buy books from self-published authors? Think again.In a 2016 survey ...
Encouraging people to publish and share reviews of your book is a key book-marketing task, and on...
Do you have self-publishing questions that you can't seem to find the answer to? We're here to he...
Do you want to speak the language of the publishing industry and become a more informed indie aut...
SelfPub3 is a concept and a publishing era defined by the concept: that any author (with the requ...
Authors: do you want to see your self-published books in physical bookstores, locally and interna...
It has never been easier to publish a book, but publishing a book is never easy.Creative Self-Pub...
Do you want to understand podcasting as an indie author and thrive in this growing industry? We'r...
Children's book authors: Self-publishing a children's book means not just writing a good manuscri...