Three years ago, Alice spent one night in an abandoned house with her friends Ila and Hannah. Sin...
When a transphobic woman bombs Frankie's workplace, she blows up Frankie's life with it. As the m...
Alison Rumfitt's Tell Me I'm Worthless is a dark, unflinching haunted house story that confronts ...
'Alison is like the twisted daughter of Clive Barker and Shirley Jackson.' -Joe Hill, New York Ti...
In space, something can hear you scream. And that something is coming.On her first adventure in o...
A dark, unflinching haunted house novel that takes readers from the well of the literary gothic, ...
Shocking, grotesque, and downright filthy, Brainwyrms confronts the creeping reality of political...
In space, something can hear you scream. And that something is coming. On her first adventure i...