In the first half of the 1580s, Seville, Spain, confronted a series of potentially devastating cr...
In the first half of the 1580s, Seville, Spain, confronted a series of potentially devastating cr...
Good Faith and Truthful Ignorance uncovers from history the fascinating and strange story of Span...
Dazzled by the sight of the vast treasure of gold and silver being unloaded at Seville's docks in...
While it now attracts many tourists, the Colca Valley of Peru's southern Andes was largely isolat...
Born in a provincial city in the Peruvian Andes, the Franciscan linguist and theologian Luis Gero...
Born in a provincial city in the Peruvian Andes, the Franciscan linguist and theologian Luis Gero...
In the first half of the 1580s, Seville, Spain, confronted a series of potentially devastating cr...
'This urban microhistory boasts an impressive cast of characters from slave to city councilman, b...
Initial translation into English of a first-person account of the 16th century conquest of Peru, ...
'A well-paced historical narrative illuminating the hidden recesses of private life in the two wo...
'This volume contains a wealth of detail about the conquest of Peru, revealing both the insights ...