A book on world-renowned artist Douglas’s monumental photo installation about the 1971...
During the mid-twentieth century, Latin American artists working in several different cities radi...
Texts by Hans Haacke that range from straightforward descriptions of his artworks to wide-ranging...
Texts by Hans Haacke that range from straightforward descriptions of his artworks to wide-ranging...
Well-known art historians from Europe and the Americas discuss the influence of conceptualism on ...
An anthology of writings and projects by artists who developed and extended the genre of institut...
Texts by Hans Haacke that range from straightforward descriptions of his artworks to wide-rang...
The most comprehensive monograph on the work of Monica Bonvicini
Most of the books about modern art in South America have focused on particular artists or nations...
'Exhibition Itinerary: University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, September ...
In early 1969, MFA student Patricia Norvell interviewed ten conceptual artists and one art dealer...
IAIN BAXTER& has been challenging and expanding notions of art for more than fifty years. Inspire...