Öffne deinen Geist! Um dich herum existiert eine Welt, die sich deiner Wahrnehmung entzieht. Au...
In 10 Answers for Skeptics, McFarland identifies the ten most common types of skepticism that pla...
With notable nonbelievers such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens featured ...
Is agreeing to disagree good enough for God's family? Christians don't necessarily agree with eac...
Society today has a growing number of objections and concerns regarding Christianity. Why does a ...
Popular Apologist Corrects the Record on What Christianity Is All AboutThe Christianity our cultu...
Would a loving God really send people to hell? Can we really trust what the Bible says? Is Jesus ...
Millennials (those born between 1980 and 2000) constitute a group of over 80 million individuals ...
University apologist, director, and popular speaker Alex McFarland has spent the last two decades...
La sociedad actual tiene un gran numero de objeciones y preocupaciones con respecto al cristianis...
Is God even listening? If God is sovereign and in control, why should I bother praying? Can my wi...
Alex McFarland lleva dos décadas respondiendo preguntas de personas de todas las edades so...