Kennst du die Geheimwaffen des Kugelfisches? Wusstest du, dass Rehkitze keinen Geruch haben, dami...
Fuchs und Faultier, Chamäleon und Känguru, Murmeltier und Eisbär haben ganz erstaunliche Fähig...
'Die Politik der radikalen Reformation im Südwesten' war Thema einer Tagung der Stadt Worms und d...
This book, as the title suggests, explains how General equilibrium, the dominant conceptual frame...
Symmetries in Atomic Nuclei aims to present an overview of recent applications of symmetry to the...
Despite the significant presence of Cuban immigrants in the United States, current research on Cu...
This book, as the title suggests, explains how General equilibrium, the dominant conceptual frame...
This volume represents the seventh edition of the ECOOP Workshop Reader, a compendiumofworkshopre...
The revised edition of this established work presents an extended overview of recent applications...