"e;We had a look around, through periscopes, at the remains of recent fighting. The dead were...
"e;From a ground-floor room at the end of one block shone a light. It came from a canteen. I ...
"e;I was after all the experiences I could collect, and wanted to know what a great military ...
'We had a look around, through periscopes, at the remains of recent fighting. The dead were on to...
'From a ground-floor room at the end of one block shone a light. It came from a canteen. I saw ot...
'I was after all the experiences I could collect, and wanted to know what a great military hospit...
The personal account of a Gallipoli soldier who saw Helles in war - and perfect peace.
'From a ground-floor room at the end of one block shone a light. It came from a canteen. I saw ot...
Life in a great military hospital.