'Daughter is a work of bravery, an important and eloquent memoir about the fight to reclaim the s...
Iceland is in the midst of an unprecedented tourist boom that has brought wealth to the country, ...
Icelandic folklore is rife with tales of elves and hidden people that inhabited hills and rocks i...
Die isländische Überlieferung ist reich an Geschichten über Elfen und das verborgene Volk, das...
Ask any Icelander and they will tell you. It is a time of year when everything pulsates with vibr...
Iceland in centuries past was a formidable place to live. Situated in the North Atlantic Ocean, o...
L''Islande, dans les siècles passés, était un terrible endroit où vivre. Situé dans l''océan A...
Icelandic is one of the oldest and most complex languages in the world. In this book, Alda Sigmun...
After more than 20 years away, Alda Sigmundsdottir returned to her native Iceland as a foreigner....
The Icelandic nation has a long and rich history of storytelling. Throughout centuries characteri...
Les contes du folklore islandais fourmillent d’elfes et d’êtres cachés qui vivent dans les col...