In this grizzly anthology of the undead, four fascinatingly horrid dystopian universes are descri...
Fought on almost every continent, World War II confronted American GIs with the unprecedented thr...
Here is the story of the long interaction between humans, land, and climate in the American So...
Here is the story of the long interaction between humans, land, and climate in the American So...
Fought on almost every continent, World War II confronted American GIs with the unprecedented thr...
Once termed a police action, the Korean War was fought by massed armies on a constricted field of...
New Orleans-born Stanhope Bayne-Jones was one of the pivotal figures in the modernization of Amer...
More Americans were killed during the years 1861-1865 than any other date inhistory. Men shattere...
An Environmental History.Here is the story of the long interaction between humans, land, and clim...