From his arrest until his execution in 1989, Ted Bundy was interviewed extensively by psychologis...
Arthur Gary Bishop and Westley Allan Dodd had many things in common. They were both psychopathic ...
Danny joined the Marines in 1967 and saw some of the worst fighting of the Vietnam War. He was co...
The 1976 Psychological Assessment of Ted Bundy ';'Do you think I killed those girls?" Te...
In 1976, Dr. Al Carlisle and a team of psychologists at the Utah State Prison performed a 90-day ...
'He could not stop what he was doing. It was either sex or suicide.' It's often said that we w...
Lt. Moe says as we near the curve, 'Be alert guys; this is known VC territory.''Known VC territ...
From his arrest until his execution in 1989, Ted Bundy was interviewed extensively by psychologis...
Danny joined the Marines in 1967 and saw some of the worst fighting of the Vietnam War. He was co...
The 1976 Psychological Assessment of Ted Bundy ''Do you think I killed those girls?' Ted B...
In 1976, Dr. Al Carlisle and a team ofpsychologists at the Utah State Prisonperformed a 90-day Ps...
Arthur Gary Bishop and Westley Allan Dodd had many things in common. They were both psychopathic ...