Blockchain, metaverse, and digital payment technologies, collectively called digital ecosystem, h...
Mobile financial services (MFS) are of major interest and importance to both researchers and prac...
Mobile financial services (MFS) are of major interest and importance to both researchers and prac...
Blockchain, metaverse, and digital payment technologies, collectively called digital ecosystem, h...
This comprehensive edited volume explores the transformative impact of financial technology on ex...
Mobile financial services (MFS) are of major interest and importance to both researchers and prac...
eucociti, piastrine, eritrociti, nanoeritrociti, epatociti e fibroblasti ecc. sono stati proposti...
eukozyten, Thrombozyten, Erythrozyten, Nanoerythrozyten, Hepatozyten und Fibroblasten usw. sind a...
Eucocytes, platelets, erythrocytes, nanoerythrocytes, hepatocytes, and fibroblasts etc. have been...
Les eucocytes, les plaquettes, les érythrocytes, les nanoérythrocytes, les hépatocytes, les fibro...
eucócitos, plaquetas, eritrócitos, nanoerythrocytes, hepatócitos, fibroblastos, etc. foram propos...
Se han propuesto como sistemas de transporte celular los eucocitos, las plaquetas, los eritrocito...