Kaulder, einer der letzten Hexenjäger der heutigen Welt, muss New York vor zerstörerischen Kräfte...
Action-Film über die verstrickten Machenschaften des Drogenbusiness
The fun and easy way to learn Spanish-by playing games!Do you want to learn how to speak Spanis...
A comprehensive review of contemporary research in the vision sciences, reflecting the rapid adva...
In Love in the Time of Ethnography, the contributors...
Drawing on philosophical thought from the eighteenth century as well as conceptual fr...
Weeds remain a major obstacle to increased yields. Past reliance on herbicides is no longer suffi...
In October 1956, a spontaneous uprising took Hungarian Communist authorities by surprise, prompti...
Forests deliver both economic benefits and a range of key ecosystem services. This collection rev...
The fourth edition of Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Social Equity pr...