Meisterdieb Charlie und seine Komplizin Riya haben es auf einen Goldtransport zwischen Russland u...
Reporterin Ria Banerje und Ajay Bakshi (Shah Rukh Khan) sind die bekanntesten TV-Reporter Indiens...
INDISCHER NETZSCHWINGER In den vielen Welten des Marvel-Multiversums kann die Legende von Spider-...
This book describes the consequences of an increased demand for food for human consumption for th...
An update to the Indian otolaryngology curriculum has necessitated changes in the way student...
Nutrition Economics: Principles and Policy Applications establishes the core criteria f...
Provides in-depth coverage of the physical properties of fats and oils. Includes surface and theo...
A must-have reference for the entire NICU, Goldsmith's Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate, 7th E...
Information gathered from cell-free systems, cell cultures, animal models, and human studies, ...
Most manufacturing systems are large, complex, and operate in an environment of uncertainty. I...
Designed to accompany the new Open University course in Environmental Monitoring and Protection, ...