Arav hat einen ambitionierten Plan: Er will in den USA Karriere machen. Dort angekommen trifft er...
Der wenig erfolgreiche Privatdetektiv Raj, der sich 'Baadshah' (dt. König) nennt, soll für den re...
Als der Sohn einer Casinobesitzerin verschwindet, setzt sie einen Finderlohn von 2,5 Millionen Ru...
The latest management strategies for complex lesions of the craniovertebral junct...
The First International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (ICDF2C) was held in Alba...
The latest techniques and principles of parallel and grid database processingThe growth in grid...
Vast knowledge has been developed in the area of tunnelling in weak rocks over the years, and thi...
Rock mass classification methods are commonly used at the preliminary design stages of a construc...
Whether or not a college currently offers a Supplemental Instruction program, u...
The importance of research and education in design continues to grow. For example, government age...
On the Volterra and Other Nonlinear Models of Interacting Populations explores the various models...
In the past 30 years, commercial transport traffic has more than doubled in both Europe and No...